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Showing posts from April, 2020

The Beginning of Supernatural Power and Wisdom

The Beginning of Supernatural Power and Wisdom is an ancient text we now call the first ten chapters of Genesis . The purpose of this story is to focus on the wisdom it reveals. The Creator used its Supernatural Power to reveal its Supernatural Wisdom. Continue reading at --

Are You Seeing the Questions the Bible Raises?

I was raised in a religion in which “ the Bible ” was “ a book of answers .” The words below came from a bumper sticker I saw and it describes what we believed perfectly: The Bible says it. I believe it. That settles it! Being surrounded by people that believe the same things you do is a very comfortable situation . Everyone shares the same beliefs and knows the “ right answers ” – and, most importantly, they know the questions that shouldn’t be asked ! When you study the Bible with a group of “ Explorers of Biblical Heritages ” it is a very different experience. People have different beliefs, conflicting answers and ask lots of questions . Continue reading at -

Emerging Successfully from Three Major Storms that Will Soon Dramatically Change America

Before the coronavirus unleashed the most severe health crisis in a century, experts were already focused on preparing for two major storms that will hit America in 2020s. The first storm reappears every fifty years in America’s history. It unleashes a major economic crisis. In every previous cycle, this has been a very painful and wrenching experience for many Americans . ● Policies that worked for the previous fifty years stop working and became the cause of significant harm to the society. ● As the crisis intensified, what had been regarded as “common sense” is discarded as leaders grasp for straws to save them. ● Members of the political elite class insist that nothing is wrong with the economic institutions they created and control. They tell people to just hang on, the “old normal” will return, and the institutions that caused the problems will save them. Continue reading at -

Immersed in a Sea of Irrefutable Realities Inside Our Bubbles of Rightness

Our realities -- waking lives and dreams -- emerge from the brain’s billions of zapping cells and trillions of synaptic connections . It is from this inner universe of synaptic constellations that human decisions arise and imaginations are forged. All of our life experiences take place in storms of activity within the computational material of our brains . From the moment we awaken in the morning, we are surrounded with a rush of light and sounds and smells. Our senses are flooded. All we have to do is wake up every day and without thought or effort we are immersed in our irrefutable reality . It is our awareness of everything we sense, believe and think. It includes the ways we perceive ourselves, others and our world, as well as our appetites, desires, longing and fears. We all assume our “irrefutable reality” to be that of the entire objective world . We all live in our own bubbles of rightness , in which we are the ultimate standard for determining what is right . ...

How to help someone that’s in the deepest, darkest spot in their life.

Everybody is struggling with something. To turn the topic around just a little bit, when somebody’s struggling, the right response is not to jump into the middle of that person’s suffering, to commiserate and deal with it, or worse yet, to try to solve it. Continue reading at -