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Learn How to Ride Your Elephant

● The elephant interprets and responds to over 40 million nerve impulses per second, while the rider processes about 40 nerve impulses per second.

● As an information processor the elephant is one million times more powerful than the rider.

● The elephant contributes 95% of cognitive activity.

● In the time you consciously processes four nerve impulses, your elephant processes one million.

● So who is making most of your decisions in life, the rider or the elephant?  The elephant always will make the most, but the rider can become much more involved in the process!
Things You Need to Know About Your Elephant

● The elephant’s top priority is survival. It will go to extremes to keep the body alive.

● The primary way it works to keep the body alive is by making good predictions about what will happen next, so it can make sure the body is ready for any contingency. Studies show that the elephant spends 60 to 80 percent of its energy on making predictions.

● Every moment the elephant issues thousands of predictions at a time, based on past experience, and the ones that win are usually the ones that fit the situation in the next moment.

● The elephant also forecasts when the heart should speed up or slow down, when blood pressure should rise and fall, when breathing should deepen, and when more salt, sugar, water or hormones will be needed in the future before they arise.

● The elephant creates and protects an individual’s identity. Just like T-cells in the immune system, when the elephant becomes aware of the actual or predicted presence of another creature it seeks to answer this question -- Are you like me?

● The process of answering that goes something like this. It first scans for physical answers:

Are you a human?

Are you my gender?

Is your skin color like mine?

●Then is scans for belief answers.

Do you believe what I believe?

●The more “yes” answers the elephant gets, the more the elephant considers the creature trustworthy.

●Once beliefs are formed and commitments are made to them, the role of the elephant shifts to guarding and protecting them.

It search for patterns in incoming information that confirms its beliefs.

It distorts and molds new information to make it fit its preconceived concepts.

It filters out information that doesn’t fit its preconceived concepts or confirm its beliefs.

●The language of the rider consists of symbols (words) and images, but the language of the elephant consists of feelings and emotions.

●For the rider to influence the direction the elephant is going, the rider must learn to be aware of when the elephant is communicating and determine the source of the feelings or emotions. Participating in Lives 1st Realities Transformation Tours & Gatherings teaches you how do this. Visit our website for more information –


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