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Showing posts from June, 2024

The Great Paradox: The Key to Discovering the Bible’s Ancient Wisdom

  This article is about the paradox in the title. A paradox is “ a logically self-contradictory statement or a statement that runs contrary to one's expectation .” “ And Elohim created the ADAM in His own image; in the image of ELOHIM He created him; male and female He created them.” The contradictory terms are Elohim and ADAM . Continue reading at -

What Are Humans?

  My first question was: “What is the constantly shape-shifting environment ?” The answer I found was: “It is our entire society, not a few remote areas.” My next question was: “Is this problem caused by nature?” The answer is “No, it is caused by humans.” My third question was: “What are humans?” The “ facts I discovered about humans ” are revealed below. Continue reading at -

Knowing How Words Work Reveals Lost Meanings of Key Words

  People have been disagreeing about things that are found in their Bible for many centuries. So, I will begin with something every person I have ever taught agrees on: Every Bible is a book filled with words. Before we can accurately discuss anything that we disagree about, we must know how words work. I will teach you how to use BHC Linguistic Models to help you work with the words in our Bibles. Continue reading at -